Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Harmful Effects of Self Dieting

Weight loss has become a challenging aspect of human life. As we have adopted the modern lifestyle the threat of gaining weight looms over our head even more than the previous generations. Finding ways to shed some weight is very common, but deciding on the diet part without knowing or understanding the basics of nutrition science is dangerous. 
Here are some of the harmful effects of self dieting by Dietitian Nutritionist in Grant Road Mumbai Geetanjali Ahuja (Mengi)
Starvation mode:
Most of the people think that if they eat less they will lose weight which is a myth. You have to eat enough to survive through the day. Once less calories are consumed the body starts getting into starvation mode and it keeps storing essential nutrients more than usual making you look bulky. Slowed metabolism will bring back all the lost weight as you start eating normally.
Muscle atrophy:
Starvation diets make you loose muscles and all the weight that you lose is only water weight. Losing muscles is the biggest loss of body. Because muscles give tone to the body. Once there is muscle atrophy, your body will look saggy. Even if you look leaner, without toning the body, you will look older. This is one of the major side effects of doing self dieting.
Loss of menstrual cycle:
If women go on starvation diet, it may result in the loss of menstrual cycle. hair Loss, osteoporosis and other major physical problems.
Lack of awareness:
It is so important to understand the difference between good and bad carbohydrates. Less carbohydrates lead to less energy and weakness. Only professional intervention for nutrition will result in appropriate weight loss.
Fibre Intake:
The intake of fibre is very essential for smooth bowel movement. Sometimes in self dieting you may deprive yourself of fibre, resulting in constipation.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

5 Foods to Boost Your Mood

5 foods to boost your mood 
In the time of stress, food is always a go to option. What if you know the exact type of food to be consumed when you are feeling low? Here is some foodstuff which would surely help you enhance your mood keeping you fresh throughout the day.
Salmon: If you are a non vegetarian, this is the best option. Eating salmon certainly boosts your energy through essential omega 3 fatty acid.These omega 3 fatty acid are important for brain activity, immunity and circulation. 
Banana: A go to option for boosting your mood instantly. Banana has a world of goodness in it. Apart from providing ample energy, it is a source of potassium and calcium. 
Lentils: Indian food system has time and again emphasized on the importance of having a balanced meal. Having ample lentils would boost the mood and increase protein intake.  
Nuts: Pop those nuts in your mouth whenever you are feeling low.Ground nuts, pistachios, walnuts are good sources of essential fats and proteins. Nuts can be eaten as a mid morning or mid noon snack. While munching on the nuts it is necessary to check whether they are fried or they have excess salt as these are not advisable by Dietician in Mumbai. 
Eggs: Egg is a wholesome food. Eat it with yolk or without yolk, eggs are bound to make you happy when made as sunny side up or even when they are scrambled. The protein in the egg increases your happy hormones. Keep the amount of oil less in your omelet and you are good to go for a heavy duty day.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

10 best foods for improving hair quality- By Dietician in Kemps Corner Geetanjali Ahuja (Mengi)

10 best foods for improving hair quality
Man or a woman, a lustrous mane spells a lot about their health. Having long and strong hair is everyones wish and yes there are numerous products in the market which help you
get there in some days. But it is equally important to nourish your hair internally. The very first step to be taken for getting the best quality of hair is to include the following food items in your food lists right away.
Spinach- Spinach is packed up with nutrients like vitamin A, beta carotene, folate, vitamin C and iron. No wonder they work for maintaining good scalp and improve hair quality.
Guava- A super fruit, guava is locally available everywhere. It is full of vitamin C, which protects the hair from being brittle.
Sweet Potatoes- Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta carotene. Our body converts beta carotene to Vitamin A. Your dry and dull hair turns beautiful by eating this simple tuber regularly.
Eggs- Eggs are rich in Vitamin B called biotin which helps for hair growth. Eggs nourish your hair internally.
Lentils- Folic acid is needed for the body to bring back the health of red blood cells. These red blood cells improve oxygen supply to scalp. Eating plenty of lentils will result in ample folic acid in the body, leading to long lustrous hair.
Amla- Native fruit to India, gooseberry is attributed to the health of hair from generations.
Almonds- Indians use almond oil for oiling hair. Internally almonds provide magnesium to the body which helps in growing healthy hair.
Walnuts- Omega 3 fatty acids in walnuts help grow hair well. Two walnuts a day creates magic with your hair.
Carrots- Carrot prevent hair loss, it helps hair grow faster and also aid in getting thick hair.
Flax Seeds and Sunflower Seeds- These seeds are rich in zinc, protein, potassium, selenium, biotin, iron, copper, vitamin E, Vitamin B, Magnesium and Calcium.
Article Written by #Dietician in KempsCorner Geetanjali Ahuja

Friday, February 10, 2017

Right Diet for Students during Exam Time

Right Diet for Students during Exam Time-
Our school and college days play a vital role in our lives and the exam time is the most dreaded part of the year. Our parents tend to take special care of our health at this time as they don't want to us to get down with some sickness and not give our best in exams.
Research has proved that the food we eat directly affects our performance in exams. There are some food items that have to be taken and many that have to be avoided at this time.
1. Drink lot of water and drinks that make your body cool as studying late into the night will increase the body heat.
2. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
3. Almonds, other nuts and sprouts are a must in your diet.
4. Try Having Mixed Balance Diet- Moderate CHO, High protein with essential fats, this will help you to be more alert and avoid sleepiness during studies.
5. Include good quality proteins like Fish, Eggs, Milk products, Sprouts etc.
6. Munch Fruits and Vegetables in between as to keep going for long hours.
1. Avoid outside food till the end of exams.
2. Junk food and oily food slows down your body, so avoid it.
3. Do not take too much of coffee and tea for staying awake as they can cause acidity and heat burn.
4. Do not forget any meals but eat only for half your appetite or we will feel sleepy.
5. Avoid long gaps between meals.
6. Don't try any new meals.
These food habits are to be followed on a regular basis, but if it is not possible make sure it is followed during the exam time. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Respect your intestine by having Right Food

Every organ is extremely essential for the proper functioning of our body. The digestive system is one of the biggest networks in our body that plays a vital role in the absorption of nutrients and minerals. We have the large and small intestines which enable the absorption of nutrients and disposal of waste from our system according to Best Dietician and Nutritionist in Mumbai Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi.
• The small intestine is present below the stomach and right above the large intestine and 90 percent of the digestion and absorption takes place here.
• After the mechanical digestion of the food, chemical digestion of it takes place in the small intestine where the proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are absorbed by it.
• The large intestine on the other hand absorbs the remaining water from the already digested food and throws the useless waste material out of the body.
 As the intestines play a very important role in the digestive process, it is our duty to take care of them in the best way possible according to Dietician for Gastro Intestinal Diseases in Mumbai Bandra Khar South mumbai Nutritionist for Intestinal Diseases. Certain food items help us maintain a good digestive system and gut health.
• Probiotic foods are the most recommended of them all. Yoghurt, especially unsweetened yoghurt that has live active cultures is recommended for a healthy intestine.
• Food rich in fibre content also helps us have an excellent digestive system and for this we should start eating whole unprocessed food items. We should also start cultivating good bacteria that will help in fighting all intestine related disorders.
• Fat is a nutrient that most of tend to avoid to reduce weight. But this is one of the major mistakes we do when we diet. Good fat is an essential part of our human body and we should never eliminate any nutrient from our body totally.
Hence a balanced diet and good exercise will help us in having a perfect digestive system and intestinal health.
Article completely written by #GeetanjaliAhujaMengi #registered #Dietician #Leading #Nutritionist in #Bandra #Southmumbai #Mumbai #weightloss