Saturday, December 31, 2016

Party Diet Guide

Party Diet Guide
Enjoy 2 Bites of EVERY THING
 Follow the guidelines below-
Start with Clear Soup (NO croutons / Bread Sticks)
Salads Plain (NO Heavy Dressing)
Choose Barbequed / Roasted Options of Paneer, Chicken, Fish for Starters – 2-3 Pcs
Main Course –
Starches – ½ Tandoori Roti / ½ Plain Nan + 1 Small cup Dal + ½ Cup vegetables (NO Gravy)
1 Small cup Biryani + 2 cup vegetable Raita
Pasta Arabita – 1 small cup + Tribean Salad – 1 bowl
½ Platter veg Sizzler (LESS RICE) + 3 pcs Paneer / Chicken / fish
1 Cup Paneer Chilli / Chicken chilli with 1 Small Cup fried Rice
Desserts – (Any 1)
½ Scoop of Ice cream + 2 Bites cake
1 de-syrup Rasgulla
½ Gulab Jamun /
4 bites Sizzling Brownie
Mocktail- (Any 1)
Fresh Lime Soda (unsweetened)
Lemon Juice (less Sugar)
½ Pina Colada
½ Fruit Base Drink (preferably Natural Drinks)
Limit for Men- less than 120 ML Alcohol and Women- Less than 90 ML Alcohol
ADD- Water / Soda / Ice (NO JUICE)
Have salad / Biting’s of chicken / fish / Chana Masala / Paneer
DRINK Slowly Sip by Sip
Eating Food with Alcohol will reduce its absorption and so LESSER Hangover
Customized #NewYear #Party #Diet by #Dietician #Clinical #Registered #Nutritionist #GeetanjaliAhujaMengi #Weightloss #PCOS #Diet for all #Diseases

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Few Diet Tips for you to survive the Holiday Parties

The festive season has arrived and this is the time of the year when the zipper on your dress and the springs in your bathroom scale start getting nervous. A busy social calendar can be daunting if you are trying to stick to a healthy diet. While you need to allow yourself the occasionally indulgence, it can be difficult to restrain yourself when you're surrounded by scrumptious festive treats. So here are a few diet tips by Dietician in Mumbai GeetanjaliAhujaMengi for you to survive the holiday parties.
Rest well the night before a party by getting at least seven hours of sleep. A recent research shows that after a short night’s sleep, adults ate about an extra 300 calories and tended to choose high-calorie foods. When women do not get adequate sleep they may feel less full after eating, while men tend to have an increased appetite. By getting your rest, you’ll save calories and make healthier choices.
Choose your first serving wisely. Studies by Clinical Nutritionist in Bandra suggest that you tend to consume the largest quantity of the foods you eat first, so set yourself up by starting with something low-calorie. Try fresh veggies over chips to save 120 calories per serving.
Choose thin, tall glasses because we tend to pour more alcohol into squat, short glasses. Alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water and ease the inevitable hangover.
Pick a smaller plate to trick your brain into thinking you are eating more. Research suggests that the average number of calories eaten at a holiday dinner is shockingly high, and that does not count the pre-dinner snacking. Pick a salad plate instead of a dinner plate and cut down the calories.
Take smaller bites and sips to trick your brain into eating fewer calories. When you take nibbles and chew your food longer, your brain thinks you’ve eaten more. So nibble, don’t gobble. By taking smaller bites and chewing more, you’ll naturally eat less.
Article Purely written by #Dietician #GeetanjaliAhujaMengi #Newyearparties #Parties #Weightloss #NewYearEve #Mumbai

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Don't Skip Breakfast

A long nights sleep leads to drop in blood sugar as one fasts for 8-10 hours When you skip breakfast, your blood sugar drops even lower. As a result, you become hungry and have less energy. This sets you up to impulsively snack in the morning, often on high-fat sweets or to eat extra servings or bigger portions at lunch or dinner.
A study by Dieticians and Clinical Nutritionists have found evidence that people who skip breakfast compensate later in the day with more refined carbohydrates and fats and fewer fruits and vegetables. But when you eat breakfast, your body feels nourished and satisfied, making you less likely to overeat the rest of the day.
Eating breakfast every day may reduce the risk for obesity and insulin resistance. So Don't skip breakfast and have a healthy required breakfast.
BY #Dietician #Clinical #Nurtitionist #GeetanjaliAhujaMengi #Mumbai #DietExpert #Registered

Friday, December 16, 2016

Importance of Right Diet for Cardiac Patients

A healthy diet is a crucial factor in reducing your risk of heart disease. When a person is diagnosed with a cardiac disease, it takes a toll on them both physically and emotionally. But being careful about what you consume can help you control your blood pressure and sugar levels, lower your cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy weight, which are all decisive parameters for a healthy heart.
Although you might know that eating certain foods can affect your heart, it is often tough to change your eating habits. Whether you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt or you just want to tweak your diet for a healthier living, Dietician Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi in Mumbai provides the best dieticians who will recommend a heart-smart diet for you.
The first step towards a heart-healthy diet is to cut down the intake of saturated and trans fats. Instead, you can choose foods that lower cholesterol and focus on fibre rich foods. Another wise change that can be made to your diet is to limit salt intake, as high-salt diets increase blood pressure and the risk of cardiac attack and stroke. Apart from a proper diet, regular exercise is also a key aspect to keep cardiac diseases at bay.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Right Diet along with Daily Exercises would keep PCOS at Bay.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the most common diseases that are faced by the women of today and the major reason for this is the lack of healthy balanced diet. PCOS is a disease that prevails most commonly in obese or over-weight women. Women with PCOS have higher level of insulins than normal and this causes your ovaries to produce excess androgens.
The PCOS diet consists of food high in fibre and protein. High fibre food can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion and reducing the effect of sugar on the blood. High fibre food includes beans, lentils, leafy vegetables, almonds and sweet potatoes. Lean protein plays a crucial part in the PCOS diet as it ensures that it is filling and is a health dietary option for women. Lean Protein is concentrated in food such as tofu, chicken and fish. The diet should also include food reducing inflammation such as tomatoes, kale, spinach and almonds and olive oil.
There are certain food items that should be avoided if you have PCOS. They include foods with refined carbohydrates such as white bread, snacks and drinks with high sugar levels and inflammatory food such as red meat. PCOS like many other diseases is positive to proactive lifestyle.
Weight loss dieticians state that a healthy diet along with daily exercises would keep PCOS at bay. To know more details, call us on 9869192070 / 7678050636 / 69961000 / 40101797

Friday, November 18, 2016


Seeds come in different shapes, sizes and colours. A seed is an embryonic plant and the origin of nutrition. They may be tiny, but they are packed with dietary fibre, protein, healthy fats, iron, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, essential oils and many antioxidants. If you are looking for a high-fibre, nutritious and filling snack, then seeds are tough to beat according to dietician in mumbai.
Chia seeds are rich in iron and folate, as well as bone-boosting calcium and magnesium. They are also high in omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fibre. The calcium and magnesium in these seeds promote bone and dental health, while the omega-3 fatty acids help lower triglycerides. The fibre helps decrease cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time.
Pumpkin seeds are also known as Pepitas and are a tasty source of vitamin B, iron, zinc, magnesium and protein. The protein in these seeds is highly concentrated in amino acids called Tryptophan, which helps to bring down anxiety levels according to weightloss dietician. Pumpkin seeds also contain high levels of essential fatty acids which keep your blood vessels healthy and lower bad cholesterol.
Flax seeds are the epitome of nutritional benefits and a great source of soluble fibre. Flax seeds help in lowering cholesterol levels, make you feel fuller for a longer time and aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels. They are also packed with omega-3 fatty acid, which is beneficial to the neural health and can help lower triglyceride level in the blood.
Sunflower seeds are underrated super seeds that are an excellent source of vitamin B and folate which help in preventing birth defects. They also contain vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage, helps in maintaining healthy hair and skin, and works to prevent cancer. They are also rich in heart-healthy fats and protein.
Wheat germ is the nutritional powerhouse of wheat kernel. It is packed with protein, iron and vitamin B. It is rich in fibre, which prevents constipation and keeps your appetite in check. It contains insulin, a fibre which helps with digestion, but it is very low on glycemic index and thus does not cause a blood sugar spike.
Sesame is one of the oldest oil crops known to man. These seeds contain linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that helps to control harmful cholesterol. Sesame is packed with antioxidants and proteins. It is also a rich source of zinc, which helps to boost sexual health in men.
Hemp seeds are the powerhouse of protein and are loaded with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote healthy hair and skin. They also contain phytosterols, which is a plant based compound that lowers cholesterol levels.
Cumin seeds have been used for its health benefits since antiquity. They are very useful as a digestive aid and even as a simple antiseptic. They are rich sources of iron and can help boost the immune system. It is also believed that black cumin seeds can cure asthma and arthritis.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Impact of drinking water in plastic bottles

We store water in all sorts of plastic bottles, jugs or containers. It can be low grade or high grade, but plastic is plastic! This is a very harmful daily practice as plastic containers carry lot of chemicals and bacteria.
Let’s see the harmful effects of drinking water in plastic bottles:
1. Harmful substances: Apart from harmful chemicals in plastic, water when get stored in plastic bottles also produces harmful substances like fluoride, arsenic and aluminium which can be poison for human body. So, drinking water from plastic bottles would mean drinking slow poison that will slowly and steadily deteriorate your health according to dietician in mumbai.
2. Dioxin production: Plastic does melt in hot environment. And we, often store water in plastic bottles while driving and so many times leave it in the car where it is in the direct exposure of sun. Such heating releases a toxin called Dioxin which when consumed can accelerate breast cancer.
3. BPA generation: Biphenyl A is an estrogen-mimicking chemical which can lead to lot of health problems like diabetes, obesity, fertility problems, behavioural problems and early puberty in girls. It’s better not to store and drink water from a plastic bottle.
4. Liver cancer and reduced sperm count: Because of presence of a chemical called phthalates in plastic, drinking water from plastic bottles can also lead to liver cancer and reduction in sperm count.
5. Vitamin based bottled water: Nowadays, we get water mostly in plastic bottles and to increase its health content, manufacturers make it vitamin-enriched to attract buyers. But this is even more harmful as it carries health-harming additives like food dyes and high fructose corn syrup.
6. Impact on immune system: Our immune system is immensely affected when we drink water in plastic bottles according to Nutritionist in Mumbai. The chemicals from plastic bottles are ingested and tend to disturb our body’s immune system.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Here are a few tips which can help you lose weight post-Diwali

A bit of bloating is normal during the festivities due to the abundance of sweets consumed during this time. However, it is necessary to return to your healthy self, post this cheat period and this can be possible only if you follow a strict diet and exercise routine.
Here are a few tips which can help you lose weight post-Diwali:
Make physical exercise a part of your daily routine: There is no alternative to physical exercise, which is why it is necessary to engage in moderate to high level workout to drop those extra kilos post Diwali. You can hit the gym for half an hour or brisk walk or choose more interesting forms of exercise such as dancing or Zumba. However, the key here is to remain consistent.
Start your day with the right liquids: Add generous amounts of liquids and fluids to your daily diet which are healthy and low in fat content. Vegetable smoothies, sugar-free juices, coconut water, green tea and lemonade (without sugar) are great options to keep sipping on throughout the day. These liquids make you feel full faster and restrict you from consuming too many calories in the day according to dietician in Mumbai. These liquids also hydrate your body and help in flushing out toxins, thus helping you detoxify and drop those kilos.
Have smaller but more frequent meals: You do not have to go on a crash diet post Diwali to drop those kilos quicker, because crash diets only result in weakness and temporary water loss from the body. However, what you can do is have small meals more frequently during the day. The time gap between two meals shouldn’t exceed 3 hours. This keeps hunger at bay and reduces the total number of calories consumed daily which help in reducing weight quicker.
Follow the thumb rule of detox: “If it comes in a sealed package or a tin, do not eat it.” Follow this thumb rule of detoxifying, post Diwali, as they are loaded with saturated fats and preservatives which make you fatter. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals along with fat-burning food items such as fish-oils, dates, berries, flax seeds, eggs, sprouts etc.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


‘Is rice good or bad?’ this has been a million dollar question for the past few years.
Rice is not a bad thing. But the bad thing is when we mindlessly gobble huge portions of it. A humble dal-chawal meal is so satiating, that it makes us eat slower and increases our chances of eating the right quantity. This promotes good health and proper digestion, which are the cornerstones of an accelerated metabolism.
Provides Energy:
All forms of activities require energy. Carbohydrates are the quickest source of energy and rice is packed with carbohydrates. Skipping this important component in your meal will make you feel sluggish.
Promotes muscle growth:
Rice contains important amino acids, and when served with a meat dish, the diet is almost complete in terms of muscle mass. Rice is a good option for vegans and vegetarians seeking to develop their physique. The protein content in rice is important for muscle development and preserves lean body mass according to Best Nutritionist in Mumbai .
Prevents gastrointestinal distress:
Rice has low fibre content and is therefore beneficial for people suffering from diarrhoea, colitis or morning sickness. The low sodium content present in rice makes it a good choice for those with high blood pressure and kidney diseases.
Other benefits:
Rice has mild diuretic properties and serves as a good digestive aid and natural anti-inflammatory. The manganese component present in rice helps to boost the immune system. Thiamine present in rice is an important component for cognitive processes.
Despite the recent negative press about rice, it still remains the staple food for most of the world’s population. Many cultures consume rice, several times a day. Though rice is produced through a refining process, which eliminates the inherent nutrition, it still provides us with various health benefits through diet research done by dieticians in mumbai. The rice that we consume is not bad, but what matter is what is served along with it. Rice is actually packed with nutrients and has more advantages over other carbohydrates.
Rice contains high glyceminc index and is considered to be a fast carb. Rice is rapidly broken down into sugar in our body. This in turn contributes to insulin resistance and glucose spikes. Studies show that consuming white rice in large quantities, five times a week increases the risk for type-2 diabetes.
·       Brown rice is low on the glycemic index and decreases the risk of diabetes when ate in moderation.
·       White rice lasts longer than brown rice and can be stored for a longer period of time.
·       All types of rice are low in terms of allergic risk. But white rice is a great choice for people who are allergic to wheat and wheat products.
·       Parboiled versions of rice take longer to cook, but retain more nutrients.
·       One serving of cooked rice has about seventeen percent of the daily allowance of carbohydrates.
·       White rice is high in carbohydrates but low in fibre. It does not contain a large amount of vitamins or minerals and is easily digested.
Article written by Dietician in Bandra Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi