Saturday, May 14, 2016

Health Benefits of fiber

Fiber is a wonder boon as it has so many health benefits, but I am addressing a few of them.
It is an important component of a healthy diet; it is the indigestible part of plant foods that pushes through our digestive system, absorbing water along the way and easing bowel movements.
There are two types of fibers – Soluble & Insoluble.
Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance. It is found in oats, citrus fruits, vegetables, barley, apple, bananas.
Insoluble Fiber binds with water to swell in size. These are found in the bran layer of grains, legumes, seeds and nuts.
Health Benefits of Fiber
1. Fiber improves digestive health – prevents & relieves constipation.
2. Fiber prevents weight gain.
3. A healthy heart.
4. Healthy skin.
5. Fiber lowers your cholesterol.
6. If you have diabetes, having the right amount of fiber will help you to enjoy a variety of foods as fiber manages blood sugar levels effectively.
7. Fiber prevents all chronic diseases of the gut (Digestive Systems).
8. It helps to keep our colon healthy.

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